04 May 2010


Media Power Point

For our evaluation, we had to come up with a PowerPoint presentation showing what we used, and how we managed to create our magazines. We had to talk about forms and conventions and the programmes we used to adapt/change our pictures to make them better and more presentable.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for completing your evaluation presentation to the rest of the class. You thought reflectively about aspects of your production. However, i am disappointed that some important elements of your research are missing from this blog. some of your originals including the main image on your contents page and double page spread are missing which is a compulsory element of the production. Also, you have not uploaded your final double page article. Please also include the notes that you used to accompany your presentation. There MUST be evidence of audience feedback and at the moment i cannot find any reference to this on your blog. Marks are being sent away tomorrow so see what you can do between now and then.
    Miss Beange
