26 March 2010

Contents Page

After completing my front cover of my magazine, my next assignment was to create a contents page for the magazine. I found this task easier than making the front cover, because now that I had a front cover to link with, my options became more limited and therefore I had to work with what I could that also tied in nicely with the genre of the music magazine that I'd created.
     For my contents page, I attempted using a different 'model' other than my main model that would be taking up the majority of pictures in my magazine.
Like I did on my front cover, I tried to keep my contents page full, but then didn't want to make it seem over crowded with information.
     I produced my contents page on Adobe PhotoShop, I have found using PhotoShop easier and easier as I have progressed throughout the course and now can complete my pages, and adapt particular pictures with ease. 
     The one thing that I don't like about this picture that I only noticed after completing it is that in the background you can see a lorry, and several
other background features that I preferably would not have liked to be there.
     I chose to use this picture, because I thought it stood out from all of my other choices. Also changing the model, also enticed me to choose this picture. Here are a few of the rejected pictures that I took:

I didn't choose this picture, although It was one of my favourites due to the change of angle and the position of which he has taken, because he was the same 'model' that I had previously used on my front cover. I didn't want it to become repetetive so that he would be the only 'model' throughout my magazine. I wanted to have a range of different people, so that it could attract other people in.

I didn't chose this picture purely because I wasn't very keen on the pose that he had taken up, I didn't think that It tied in well with how I wanted to present my magazine. What I did like about this picture was the light, It made the picture bright and it was the amount of light that I thought would be perfect for my magazine because it wasn't to dark which may make the magazine look glum and dull. It used natural light which would've been good for the contents page.

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