09 November 2009

Preliminary Task: Provisional Submission

My target audience for my magazine are mainly sixth form students, but its also partially directed towards younger and possibly older people. Younger people such as students in years 7 - 11 and older years being teachers and parents. The magazine's aim is to provide the reader with local news such as: Sports, Forthcoming events (exams, OFSTED inspections) etc. There will be a broad amount of information targeting all of the years and also teachers and parents, therefore making it appeal to not just one target audience, but a few.

My main image's subject will be a new coming year 12, who has recently moved to join the outstanding sixth form. The gender of the subject will be male, they will be smiling/laughing to portray the warmth and happiness of the school. I will use natural lighting because the picture will be taken outside the sixth form block, just in front of the sign. One of my main subjects is how Sheldon sixth form is doing so using the sixth form building in the background helps show this.

The name of my magazine is 'SHELDON TIMEZ!' I've used capitals so as to make it seem as big and as large as possible, so as to grab the readers attention as soon as the see it. The colours i have chosen will link in the the school colours (purple and gold), this will help show that the magazine is unique to the school. The master heading reads 'SIXTH FORM NAMED ENGLAND'S FINEST' The size will not be as big as the name of the magazine but will still look big and stand out. Again I will use the traditional Sheldon colours to emphasise the uniqueness of the magazine.

The interior features will consist of several different sections; Breaking news, Sport and forthcoming events. These the subjects will be broken down and relate to all of the years and may even relate to some of the parents and teachers.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of good ideas with a clear idea of who your target audience is and how you are going to appeal to them.
