11 November 2009

Original Photos

This is my first picture I took for my front cover. I liked my models facial expression, its exactly the look that I wanted. Sadly I wanted all of the background writing to fit into the picture so I could not use this picture. The lighting was not great at the time when I took the picture due to the weather conditions, so I will use and improve the picture I select using photoshop.

This is my second picture. Again I could not get all of the writing in. This became an issue with all of my pictures, I couldn't take the picture any further away otherwise the picture would not be a medium close up, which is needed in the criteria of my magazine. Also the picture was not straight due to me not holding the camera straight.

My third picture was clearly my most successful, I captured all of the backgroun writing, and also his facial expression is what I wanted to capture. As you can see, the colour seems different, this is because I have changed the lighting to make the picture and colour seem more defined. When I attempted to resize the picture I lost some of the writing in the background. So I played around and when I cropped the image I managed to only partially lose the writing, so it was okay.


  1. I'm liking your blog Sam. It was a bit patchy to start with, but you are now a definite contender for most improved blog. Keep up the good effort.
