24 February 2010

Here is my final copy of the magazine cover. I began by trying to make my heading stand out as much as possible, and I think that the effect that I put on the heading, that it was coming off the wall makes it stand out quite alot. Like i said, I didn't want my front cover to seem over-crowded, so I therefore tried to include few bit of information, but obviously the most important bits, that I thought may really capture the costumers eye. The only problem that I think I had was that colour wise, it may be seen as a bit bland. So if I were to do it again, I would try to use a range of different colours because that would really catch the eye of the constumers. I wanted my magazine do be different, bring something new to the market and appeal to the people who enjoy this type of music, I think I did do this, but I thought that I should have shown that it was specifically a Jazz music magazine, and therefore really emphasise that.

Fusion Magazine

Here is my first take on my front cover picture. I wanted him to stand out so i put what he was wearing against quite a bland coloured background.
I didn't like this picture because he was too central in my image. I wanted him to be closer the left hand side to give me space to work around him.

I liked the proportions in this picture. It gave me a good amount of room to fill around him. My main aim was to not overfill my front cover, I wanted information to be displayed but I didn't want it to look overcrowded. So I felt Ineeded quite a bit of room to do this. The only thing I didn't like about this pictuire was the expression on my models face.

This was my final picture. It was similar to the last, the only improvement being expression on his face. I wanted my magazine to come across as funny and full of information. Therefore I tried to make it formal. I think the expression on his face helps portray this for the rest of the magazine.