My chosen magazine is ‘Kerrang’ a well known, highly rated magazine which talks abut rock music and is entertaining to those who enjoy rock music giving them insights to bands and musical icons. The magazine’s target audience, in my opinion, is 15 – 25.
The master heading ‘KERRANG!’ is used to represent the magazine. ‘kerrang’ isn’t a real word, therefore its only purpose is to entice the reader to read the magazine because it had no meaning. The author has obviously used it to try and make the title relate to rock music. The master heading is in a fixed location throughout the monthly issues. Also the font of the master heading stays the same, this creates continuity carried on from each issue so that the readers know that they are reading the same magazine, but a different issue. The font used is bold, and has some cracked parts to it, this relates to the rock aspect of the magazine. Presenting loudness, rebelliousness.
The principle image is the image used to relate to the main article in the magazine. So the main article is obviously about Billy Joe Armstrong, and he takes up the whole of the front page which may show that it may be an exclusive report. Other smaller article headlines are dotted around in a messy fashion, to again relate to the rock aspect. Also to show that they may not be as important as the main article. The smaller pictures and headlines are in different, brighter colours so as to make them stand out in front of the main picture.
Slang and abbriviation is used to try and relate to the target audience.
‘WTF?!’ this relates to the target audience along with ‘BOOTY’ which I don’t think anyone over the age of 30 would say, or even understand. So this emphasises that the target audience is of young age.
The front page main principle is to emphasise the main article which is shown as the main, and biggest picture accompanied with the biggest writing. Other, smaller articles are shown in bright colours to make them visible and to make the reader want to look at the advertisement of the article.